We believe that one of the most interesting points for the study of the formation of borders is the examination of wars and conflicts that took place in the framework of their construction, whether due to questions of diplomatic, economic, territorial, linguistic spheres, or problems arising from the rigidity of border limits and the territorial identity that derive from them. In all of these issues, the presence of the Armed Forces is a recurring point. From the southern border to the Amazon, the presence of troops became constant in an attempt to establish territorial dominance and guarantee its sovereignty.
We identified that studies of this presence and performance are still scarce, although it is clear that the History of Brazil and the history of its Military Institutions have walked pari passu. From the threshold of territorial expansion beyond Tordesillhas, from the expulsion of foreigners from our land, from the pacification of the Empire to its consolidation in the platinum struggles and the advent of the Republic, the figure of the Soldier was a determining element in the directions that the Nation followed. One of the most interesting points for the study of the formation of borders would be the examination of wars and conflicts that took place in the process as a whole. These were due to diplomatic, economic, territorial issues, and the formation of geographic space. In all of these matters, the presence of the armed forces is perhaps the recurring point. From the frontier of the Amazon to the southern frontier of Brazil, a spatial feature of this investigation, the presence of troops became constant in an attempt to establish territorial dominance, stimulate life-giving and guarantee sovereignty.
In addition, case studies and regional approaches, in general, have been little discussed by the Brazilian bibliography. Among them we can list the Chaco War (1932-1935), between Paraguay and Bolivia, and the Leticia Question (1932-1934), conflict between Peru and Colombia, of which Brazil was referee through the diplomatic actions of General Rondon . Hence the need for greater integration and research cooperation at national and international level.
With this network we will seek to contribute to interdisciplinarity for the development of a bibliographical, theoretical and methodological analysis, plural and innovative, including the insertion of new sources of research, by raising the agenda of discussions between political, social, cultural issues and economic, deepening the understanding of national and international politics in the construction of National States throughout the American territory. Thus, we will work with the concept of research interaction networks, which have a focus on producing and updating knowledge on studies of the Armed Forces, borders and territory.
This project is linked to the researchers' academic trajectory, from the Military History, Politics and Borders Laboratory of the Postgraduate Program in History of the Salgado de Oliveira University (PPGH-UNIVERSO), of the Master of Border Studies at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (MEF-UFMS), the Center for Frontier Studies General Padilha of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (CEF-UEMS), the Center for Research and Development on Law and Society (CEDICS) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and the Army Military History Studies and Research Center (CEPHIMEx) of the Army's Historical and Cultural Heritage Directorate (DPHCEx).
Thus, we believe that the proposal for a Network of International Researchers on Borders, Integration and Conflicts (REDE HERMES) is opportune, since, in addition to enabling studies in regions still so in need of analysis, it should bring together researchers and Research Centers with the objective of producing knowledge about the theme, relating the study of the so-called Military History with the border spaces of formatting the territory, with the premise of interdisciplinarity.
We also observed that the associated researchers, coming from different institutions, share the interest in the theme, functioning the network as a space for discussion involving conceptualizations, bibliographical analyzes and theoretical models, to which its interdisciplinary character and the variety of contemplated time frames will contribute. for their studies.