Argentine Institute of Military History
Directorate of Historical Affairs of the Army
General Archives of the Army
Historic Army Service
Historical Museum of the Army
Central Library of the Army
Army Historical Archive
National Archives - RJ
Itamaraty Archive - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Aeronautics Documentation Center
Directorate of Historical Heritage and Documentation of the Navy
Superior School of War
Getúlio Vargas Foundation
Osvaldo Cruz Foundation
Aerospace Museum of Aeronautics
Bolivian Academy of Military History
Chilean Military History Academy
Cultural, Historical and Extensión Dell Ejólio Department
Chile Historical and Military Museum
Center of Historical Studies of the Army
Ecuatorian Historical Studies Center
Military General of Ávila
Archivo General Militar de Guadalajara
Archivo General Militar de Madrid
Military General of Segovia
Barcelona Military History Center
Coruña Military History Center
Valencia Military History Center
Military History Center of Sevilla
Military History Center of Melilla
Ceuta Military History Center
Mallorca Military History Center
Military History Center of Canarias
Military History and Culture Institute of Madrid
Archives, both public and private.
Instituto de Historia y Museo Militar del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
Archivo Central del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
Archivo de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Nación
Center for Documentation and Archives and Legal Library of the Judiciary
Archives of the National Congress
Archivo General del Ministerio de Exterior Relations
Archive of the Directorate of Treaties of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Directorate of Publications Officials
Civil Registry Directorate File
Archivo Central del Ministerio de Educación
Archivo del Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Rural y de la Tierra (index)
Archivo del Arzobispado de la Santísima Asunción
Circle of Officers withdrawn from the armed forces of the nation: Salón de Bronce
Centro de Estudios Históricos - Militares del Perú
Municipal Library “Augusto Roa Bastos”
National Library of Agriculture (BINA) “Dr. Moisés S. Bertoni ”
Central Library of the National University of Asunción
Museo Gral. Bernardino Caballero
Banco Central del Paraguay: Museo y Colecciones oro de la Guerra
Academia Paraguaya de la Historia: Felix de Azara Library
Roosevelt Library of the Paraguayo Americano Cultural Center
Instituto Cultural Paraguayo Aleman: “Ulrich Schmidl” Library
Japanese Cultural Center Paraguayo Library
Biblioteca del Centro Cultural “Juan de Salazar”
Biblioteca y Colecciones del Museo Etnográfico “Dr. Andrés Barbero ”from the Fundación la Piedad
Library of the Higher Institute of Humanistic and Philosophical Studies of the Company of Jesus